Saturday, July 27, 2013

Meet Margot Isabel♥

Margot Isabel
Born April 10th, 2013 at 2:17 PM
6 lbs 15.5 oz
20 1/2 inches long

This was Margot's first picture not covered in grossness. Amanda took this and posted it on Facebook. With this picture and the picture I put of her on my Facebook, we got a total of at least 300 likes.

This was my first time holding her. All I could do was smile. She's perfect and how something so perfect can come from me, is mind blowing. But she's as close as it gets.

Everyone loves her to pieces.

Especially her adoptive parents, Micah and Amanda. I'm so thankful for them.

Since her birth, I've seen Margot three times including the day I signed the papers. 

I call it Signing Day, it makes it seem less intimidating. This was in Micah and Amanda's room in the OB Ward before we signed the papers. We took a bunch of pictures together.

The second time I saw the three of them was on Mother's Day. Being able to spend my first Mother's Day with my daughter, Micah, and Amanda was the greatest gift I could of ever asked for. I'm so blessed!

The third time I was missing Margot so much it made my heart ache and ache and ache. Amanda and Micah both fallow me on Twitter and I tweeted, "Really need to stop holding babies till I see my own.. " The next day Amanda called me and asked if I would like to meet her in Grinnell. God answered my prayers. 

She's grown so much. In a way I'm missing out on a lot, but even for an open adoption, I'm seeing her more than other people would in their open adoptions and I'm beyond thankful for that.

It's going to be a while before she knows who I really am.. But I can only hope that when that day comes, she'll understand why I made the decision I did and love me as much as I love her.♥

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